Welcome to IQ's Q & A and our small disclosures.
Before we provide some heads up on "How To", please be advised that Imaging Quest is not responsible, liable, or invloved in any user's listings, except for our own. We do not set user's items, prices, and are not invloved in any communications or negotiations whatsoever. Furthermore, Imaging Quest, does not vett, and is not in business of "vetting" any users. It is the visitors resposibility to fully research the sellers reputation by utilizing any method they wish, such as online research, and by contacting the seller direct with any concerns or questions. Please reference our "Terms of use" policy.
That said..
For all new users, using our simple platform, is easy, and straight forword.
So of course, we thank you for signing up and becoming a valuable member of the Imaging Quest's platform.
Here are the high lights that you need to know in order to post your listings.
1- Make sure your account is verified by email.
2- Make sure there is a city listed on your account That all.
3- Click on the plus sign to add any item.
> Select category
> Select sub category
> Price: input numbers only. No dots or commas. Example. If the price is $12,500. Just type 12500.
4- Item. For better search results for your item. Fill in nice title like: Siemens mri mobile. Or if it’s a part. Start with the part number and then the name. Example:
"1459838 D504. That ok but better to type the number. Followed by name. Like: 1459838 Reciver Board D504".
5- Enter any details
5- Upload pictures by clicking on any box. There you can select to upload or take a live picture if you are using a mobile device. Don’t worry about the order as you can edit the order of all pictures from your account setting/ my listings at any time. Just mouse hover on any, click and relocate to the position you want.
6- The rest is self explanatory.
> Brand. Model. (If parts. List the applicable model).
>Warranty, exchange requirement and location. For your own reference if parts are organized and warehoused: input the location in your warehouse. (Sh8-5) for example. Shelf 8 row 5. Or enter city if your item is a large system.
> You can find our easy access app here > IQMedMart APP , send the link to you mobile, open the link on the mobile device, "click" the up arrow and add to home screen.
Well. That’s all. Reach out if you have any questions to support@radserv.com